Best Hairstyles That Make You Look Younger.

There's a huge trend in beauty journalism right now to stay away from wording like, "anti-aging" and "10 years younger." We want to empower women of all ages to feel great about themselves, we want to stop feeding into (media-created) insecurities that only youth equals beauty and we really, really want to stop the negativity that the word "aging" implies.

And here I've gone and titled this thing, "Hairstyles That Make You Look 10 Years Younger."
Because, well because the truth is most of us over 40 would like to look younger. And because the photos in this gallery really are great choices for anyone trying to not to look dated or fuddy-duddy. And also because this is a beauty Website wherein I try to help everyone looks their very best right now, whether they are 15 or 50.

In this photo gallery, I share the most flattering, youthful hairstyles that work on women of all ages. I share my favorite products and I tell you exactly why these hairstyles work.

So let's begin, shall we?


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